Monday, September 10, 2012

Mumbling Monday: Dilemma

2012 nearly comes to an end..

So much to think of as the new year will come..

Only few months left, and I havn't prepared myself yet..

Contract will be ended end of this year, where should I go? Or how should I begin?

So many questions going through my mind recently..

Actually, I DO have my own planning..

My to spend my time with my lil angel..
(Yes,I've planned so much things as next year she'll be 3..Kiwanis, playschool, therapies, swimming class, etc..etc..)

Because she is so SPECIAL and..

I want to watch her grows..
I want to witness every IMPORTANT moment that happen in her life..
I want to be proud for every BIG accomplishment she'll achieve..
I want to make sure that she can go to school like other normal kids..


But not everything you WANT, you'll GET..

So I have to CHOOSE..

Find a job that suits my financial and sacrifice my time with my precious one..
Spend my time with her and get sick of thinking bout the piled-up-unpaid-bills..


Bare in mind that u've already missed 2 and half years of her life..
Your spouse need your help to settle some of the bills..

I'M STUCK!!!!! =(

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