Tuesday, July 26, 2011


She's weak..

She was so weak on that weekend..

It's almost a week she's down with fever + cough + flu..

She didn't want to eat, drink, not even want to play..

The only she wanted to do is...

She cries...
(As if the tears would heal away the pain..)

She cries...
(Hoping her mummy and daddy understand the pain she's going through..)

It tear our hearts into pieces seeing her suffering. We've referred her to the doctor before but still not recover. Worried so much (because she has pneumonia history), last Saturday, we brought her to the doctor again and doctor said her lungs already infected so she needs to be given antibiotic and drip.

An IV line was set to her tiny lil hand. Poor lil angel.. =( 

Get well sayang...It hurts me the most seeing u in pain.


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