Thursday, February 23, 2012

Al-Fatihah Buat Adik Faris..

I just knew and read about you from other blogger ( GBOB and Mazidul ) yesterday...

Talking about you with my colleagues during our breakfast this moring...

After lunch, while I'm driving back to the office from lil angel's therapy session, one of my colleague text me...

"Azda, adik Faris yang kite tengok dalam blog tu dah meninggal hari ni..."

**Shocked and touched**


Al-Fatihah buatmu adik Faris.. Allah lebih Menyayangimu.. Moga rohmu aman bersemadi di sana..

To both of his parents.. Be strong.. Allah lebih Mengetahui yang terbaik buat dirinya..

Ibu dan ayah, relakan pemergiannya.. Tak sanggup melihat penderitaan yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh si kecilmu..

InsyaAllah.. Syurga menanti Faris di sana..

Faris Nur Daniel - Dalam kenangan...

** For more story about him, read here

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


1st scenario:

Me: Ya Allah, Awfeeya.. Make sure you tidy up your mess ya!!
Her: Nanakk.. Nanaakk.. (without looking at me, busy 'reading' her book..)

2nd Scenario:

Me: Awfeeya, enough.. enough!! Times up!!
Her: Nanakk.. Nanaakk.. (with that cheeky smile..uurgghh!!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...

Lately ni rasa depressed sangat. Stressed and upset. Too much thinking of lil angel. Rasa what I've done for her is not enough. I didn't put much effort in her development. Guilty and disappointed. Rasa macam useless sebab tak membantu anak sendiri. Next month she's 2 years. And I expect lots of things that she can do in her age IF i devote myself for her. Poor me. I'm such a bad..bad mother. Yes, i feel like one now! I feel like all the people are pointing at me, blaming me for her delays. Sebab I've planned so much for her but have no time to make it happen.

I want to spend more time teaching her flash cards.. or sign language..
I want her to have her own schedule..and make sure she'll follow..
I want to train her to be independent..understand instructions and follow simple rules..
I want to send her to school..Wisma Harapan or KIWANIS to name a few.. mix around with others, have new friends, learn new things..
Later on, i want her to go for swimming class..or piano class or ballet..
But most important right now is I WANT HER TO WALK..ALL BY HERSELF..

Yes, I know she needs her own time but I believe if I help her, maybe she need less time in achieving something.. I feel like quitting my job if that's the best solution. But then I found out it's not that easy. Therefore, I really need to do something extra. Eventhough I know it won't be much, at least Allah knows my intention to help her. 

Anyway, lil angel da pandai pegang botol susu!! =D Alhamdulillah, finally at 1 year 10 months 20 days she can hold the bottle by herself. Tau, lambat.. but I'm so proud of her! =) Dah 3 malam berturut dia terjaga tengah malam and minum susu sambil pegang botol, kalau tak jangan haraplah.. selalunya mummy die la yang kene pegang everytime die minum susu.

Cute kan? ;)

Finally, kad OKU lil angel siap juga. After 4 months waiting (JKM kata boleh siap dalam sebulan...konon..), semalam dah pun pegi collect dekat JKM Daerah Hulu Langat. Almost 2 1/2 jam jugaklah mencari tempat, sesat sampai nak ke Semenyih.. nasib baik sampai before office dia tutup. Sometime rasa JKM ni menyusahkan jugak. Konon-konon nak memudahkan tapi susah lagi ade. Masa nak apply tu diorang kata kena pegi JKM daerah yang berhampiran dengan address rumah, sedangkan masa tu JKM satu building je dengan ofis aku ni haa...siap tak nak accept application tu, suruh jugak pegi ke JKM yang berhampiran.. so the nearest to Ampang is JKM Daerah Hulu Langat. I thought, it's somewhere kat Langat, rupanya dekat Jalan Reko, Kajang nun haa... Takde laa dekat sangat ponn.. Haihh...

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Boy's Journey... (01/02/1983 - 01/02/2012)

1st February 2012...

He turns 29...

When I first met him in college, he's 20...

It was 10 years ago...

Time flies...

He gets older...

And he changed...

Last time I met him...
He was like "yo, what's up ma mayynn..." with his bling2 and hoodies and timberland boot, pose like a other college boys, hang out with his clanz, skip classes...huha-huhaa...
 Life seems very easy..
All he knew at that time was to enjoy and have fun... 
And yes, he's still UNMATURED...

Anyway, What to expect in 20 years old BOY??

But slowly he changed...learn to become a BETTER person... towards a journey in becoming a MAN...

And as a person who witnessed the journey, I'm truly PROUD with his sincere effort...

Well yes, he finished his study and graduated...
He worked to earn his own living.. (starting from a sales assistant now he's a Quantity Surveyor)
He dedicated his life to someone he loves and engaged...
He gets married and become a HUSBAND...
And soon after the marriage, he becomes a FATHER...
He learned to take his responsibility, loving and giving all his heart...doing his best for the sake of his FAMILY...

Now, the BOY has succesfully changed to a MAN...

He's the MAN IN MY LIFE...
and forever it will be..


May your life be filled with laughter and and wealth..and be blessed by Him..

-We Love You-